V1.0.2 changelog

V1.0.2 has finally released and brings improvements and needed adjustments! Sorry that it took so long! My older brother doesn't like to work much, and the update also took a good deal of effort! Sorry that there were no suggestions incorporated in this update! Not many people made suggestions for this update, and those who did suggested changes more appropriate for later updates, and my brother isn't sure whether to add lore like jctotboi suggested, since he still wants the updates to not be too different from the original BFNS.

Also, you may notice a couple major changes (The item swapping and the overhaul of how vending machines give items when a dollar is inserted). For the former, he used my improved PickupScript that you can find here, and didn't see the point of removing the swapping just to keep V1.0.2 major-change-free and then adding it in V1.1. For the overhaul, he forgot that V1.0.2 is supposed to make improvements to set up a framework for major changes, not make major changes themselves, until he was close to finishing working on the overhaul, and when he remembered, he didn't want to scrap it, especially since it was a good change.

He wanted to release V1.0.2 now because he had already been taking forever to finish making it, so there may be V1.0.2-caused bugs that he didn't find. In that case, please report them!

Anyways, now onto the changes. Note that some changes will deal with technical Unity things, since I don't know how else to describe them. Also, some parts of the changelog may be janky, because I've spent a good amount of time improving upon the draft he gave me, and thus am tired.

  • Principal's whistling is now played through his regular audio source, instead of a "quiet" one, and Principal stops what's he was saying when he catches the player breaking a rule.
  • If you run out of stamina, you no longer have to wait 0.5 seconds (longer if you move) before it begins to refill!
  • Overhauled how the player's speed being multiplied and them being frozen works! This fixes bugs with eating a Chewsi Speedy Bar and then touching 0th Prize before the bar effect is over! This also makes it easier for mods of this one to incorporate speed multiplication without bugs!
  • The elevator animation coroutine is no longer played every frame, and instead only plays before the first frame update.
  • It's a Bully's map icon is now invisible when he is inactive!
  • 2 classrooms both had a red notebook, so one of them now has a yellow one!
  • Nerfed the portable tape item (which currently works very similarly to Alarm Clock); decreased the priority of its noise from 10 (Alarm Clock's) to 2.
  • Fixed the invisible credit entries!
  • If your inventory is full and you pick up another item, it'll simply switch places with the item in your selected slot, à la Baldi's Basics Plus starting on V0.3!
  • The physic material used for the player had the exact same properties as the one used for the balloons in the test room for them, so it was removed and the player now uses the balloon one.
  • The pause menu now has a translucent black background and now pauses all in-game audio!
  • Non-YCTP audio is now paused when solving YCTP problems!
  • All ceilings now look consistent! That means that stretched out and smushed ceiling textures were fixed! (Fun fact: my brother used a procedural ceiling generator that he made, which made this change a thousand times easier!)
  • Fixed the mailbox comic textures being blurry!
  • Clicking on an open blue door or going through an open swinging one won't alert Baldi anymore! In the case of the swinging one, it will no longer make an audible sound to the player!
  • Clicking on an open blue door sprayed with WD-NoSquee won't drain the amount of times the door can be opened without alerting Baldi anymore!
  • You can now insert a dollar into a zesty or random machine and get 4 zesty bars or random items respectively!
  • The way inserting a dollar into vending machines gives items has been overhauled! Instead of the first 4 slots being filled in with the machine's corresponding item regardless of if any of them already had an item, at most 4 empty slots are filled in, and if there's not enough room for the player to get 4 items, 3 to 1 of the items spawn in front of the machine depending on how many empty slots they had!
  • Fixed the bug in which 0th Prize could play "Everybody's Favorite Subject" (the new name for the mus_Learn song) by touching the player while they are still frozen!
  • All of the NPCs' game objects now turn in the direction of their movement (Or for 1st Prize and Arts and Crafters, they now instantly turn. Prior to this update, their nav mesh agents' angular speed was 120, which meant that there was a small delay before a perfect turn in the direction of their movement. Also, It's a Bully didn't have the change because he doesn't have a nav mesh agent component and only moves via teleportation)! This fixes issues like them weirdly moving while inside Gotta Sweep!
  • You can no longer pause the game when caught by Baldi.
  • Fixed the bug in which if the player stabs Principal of the Thing with a pencil and then bans him before the pencil effect runs out, said effect will still run out!
  • Re-added the faculty room chalkboards! Removing them was a dumb change, to be honest.
  • Tape players (except for the portable tape item, which the change will be applied to in V1.0.3) and pay phones no longer have a doppler effect!
  • The free run sign's texture has been updated! It looks less bland, has better wording, and no longer says that Arts & Crafters can chase you! (Thanks to JohnsterSpaceProgram for making the updated texture!)
  • Added 32 bit support!
  • Some refactoring.


BFNS 1.0.2.rar 52 MB
88 days ago
BFNS 1.0.2.zip 61 MB
88 days ago
BFNS 1.0.2 32.rar 50 MB
88 days ago
BFNS 1.0.2 32.zip 59 MB
88 days ago
BFNS 1.0.2 OS.rar 268 MB
88 days ago
BFNS 1.0.2 OS.zip 303 MB
88 days ago

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